Running: AMOK Artist Q&A – Rayona L.Young’s DC Urban Arts writer Tiffany Beard will be featuring a member of the cast of Running: AMOK each week leading up to our Spring production May 15-21. This week, the focus is on Rayona L. Young who plays the character, Nina. Check out part of the Q & A below:

Tiffany Beard– How did you find yourself as a budding artist with a love for singing/acting?

Rayona L. Young- I realized in middle school that I liked acting. Turning into someone else came easy for me, so I continued through high school, and eventually made it one of my majors in college.

T– Sounds like you knew pretty much from jump that the arts were going to have a major part in how you make a living.

RLY– For me, because I did make it one of my majors in college, I was able to add to what I do. The title of my major was Drama and Theater for The Young, which meant that I had to take courses in education as well. Now I find myself teaching dramatics and stage work to middle-schoolers, which is an amazing turnaround, seeing as how I was in middle school when I developed my own love for the stage.  This gives me time to do my own stage work, since teaching has set hours.

T- Do you find you have adequate time? Sounds like you are quite busy.

RLY- I am a single mother of 3, so free time comes few and far between! I am a part of a singing ensemble at church, so I’ll rehearse with them. I may be reading new scripts or offering my directing skills to another group. I have also helped to ‘workshop’ plays for different directors and producers, which is always fun. On a more personal level, I will sneak in a pedicure or some shopping, if I can free up an hour.


Our Spring 2011 Season Sat, March 26 @ 2pm
Oxon Hill Public Library
FREE Preview/Staged Reading for more infoSun, May 15 @ 7pm
Germano’s Traittoria
Baltimore, MD
(Cabaret performance of play’s songs)Tues, May 17 @ 8pm
The Corner Store
Washington, DC
$10 in advance
$15 door
Full Staged PlayThurs, May 19-Sat, May 21
The Bonifant Theater
Silver Spring, MD
8pm, $15

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